Hi everyone! đ
We are so excited to show you our wireframe. The wireframe depicts the page layout or arrangement of the website's content, including interface elements and navigational systems, and how they work together.
We started by looking for a suitable free tool for drawing wireframes. There are many different options of tools on the Internet, but we chose the following three for a closer look: Adobe XD, Balsamiq and Moqups. Our final choice was Balsamiq because we liked the controls, and it was easy to use.
The first page of our wireframe shows the situation when the company is about to use our product. There is no information about projects. When clicking the plus button (+), opens a window where the user can give project information. The user gives the name of the project, the necessary information, people of the project and keywords. The user will be the responsible person for the shared information.
When the user has given all information about the project, she/he has to save the data. When saving data our product also saves the information when the data was last modified. After saving the user returns to the main screen of the product, where she/he now sees the project information he has given.
Once multiple project information of the company has been given it will be easy to search for the information needed. There is a search box on the screen. The user enters a keyword for the information she/he is looking for. The product shows all the projects with the keyword. The user can learn more about the project by selecting the show function. The product shows all the information about the project, but the user can't maintain the data.
This was all for this time! See you at our next post.
Best wishes,
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